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  • What is hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy has been around for thousands of years rooted in the wellbeing practices of many cultures. It is a respected therapeutic approach to wellness that uses hypnosis to create a state of heightened focus, attention or concentration. In this state, individuals can access their subconscious mind to address various concerns or issues they may be facing. It's a safe and effective technique aimed at fostering positive change in thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
  • What is the subconscious mind?
    The phrase ‘subconscious mind’ is used to describe the part of your brain that works quietly in the background, influencing your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without you even realising it. It's like a storage room where memories, beliefs, and experiences are kept, even though you might not be aware of them all the time. It is the automatic pilot of your mind, controlling the things you do not actively think about, like breathing or walking. It is where your habits, emotions, and instincts reside, guiding you in how you react to situations or make decisions. Sometimes, things stored in your subconscious can affect you without you knowing why. For example, if you have a fear of spiders, it might be because of something that happened long ago that your subconscious still remembers, even if you consciously do not recall the trigger incident. The subconscious mind is powerful and can influence how you see the world and how you behave. Through techniques like hypnotherapy, you can explore and even change some of the things stored in your subconscious, helping you to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
  • How does hypnotherapy work?
    During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist guides the client into a state of concentration. For some, this feels like relaxation, while others it feels like an altered state of absorption or focus. In this state, clients become more open to positive suggestions and can explore the untapped potential of their subconscious mind. The therapist then employs specific techniques to address and modify negative thoughts, beliefs or behaviours, facilitating positive changes.
  • Is hypnotherapy safe?
    Yes, hypnotherapy is safe when administered by a registered and accredited therapist. It is a non-invasive approach that does not involve medication or physical interventions. The therapist's role is to guide and support clients through the process, ensuring their safety, comfort and wellbeing.
  • What can hypnotherapy help with?
    Hypnotherapy can assist with various issues, including overcoming phobias and fears, managing stress and anxiety, quitting smoking, weight management, boosting self-esteem and confidence, managing chronic pain and breaking unwanted habits.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    Hypnotherapy tends to be a short goal directed therapy. The number of sessions required will vary based on the individual and the concern being addressed but most issues can be resolved or improved in a few sessions. Occasionally clients may require ongoing support. During the initial consultation, the therapist assesses the client's needs and provides an estimate of the recommended number of sessions. It's important to note that everyone responds differently to hypnotherapy, and progress is monitored and reviewed throughout the process.
  • Can anyone be hypnotised?
    Yes, because it is a naturally occurring process of the brain, the majority of individuals can be hypnotised, though the level of hypnosis and responsiveness may vary. Factors like willingness, motivation, and trust in the therapist can influence hypnotherapy's effectiveness. The therapist works to create trust and a comfortable and supportive environment to enhance responsiveness to the hypnotic process.
  • Will I be in control during hypnosis?
    Yes, clients remain in control throughout hypnosis. Hypnosis is not unconsciousness or sleep but a state of deep relaxation or focused attention. Clients are aware of their surroundings and retain the ability to make choices and respond to suggestions. The therapist facilitates the process while respecting client boundaries.
  • What does hypnosis feel like?
    Hypnosis is a naturally occurring process of the brain and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. We fall into a state of hypnosis dozens of times in a day as our brains take the opportunity to decompress or to filter, process and file all the information that it is bombarded with during the day. Hypnosis is that state where you are deeply relaxed or tranquil but alert; a bit like daydreaming or driving on automatic pilot, or being absorbed in your favourite book or movie. ​ When guided into a hypnotic state, clients may experience tranquillity, heightened awareness and detachment from everyday concerns. Each person's experience varies, and the therapist will monitor and ensure client comfort and ease throughout the session.
  • Is hypnotherapy suitable for children?
    Yes, hypnotherapy can benefit children and teenagers, provided they work with therapists specialising in treating young people. Techniques may be modified to suit their age and understanding, and parental consent and involvement are typically required.
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